Sauropods Educational Poster 36x24
This poster is 36" x 24" and makes the perfect addition to a classroom, study, and student or children's bedrooms.
Sauropoda are a clade of saurischian (?ǣlizardhipped?ǥ) dinosaurs. Sauropods were herbivorous (plant-eating), long-necked, and quadruped (fourlegged). They first appear in the fossil record during the late Triassic, around 230 million years ago. They include the largest animals to have ever lived on land. The unique body structure of these fascinating animals is explored. Could they rear upright like a horse? Other interesting topics are intelligence, teeth and diet, eggs, skin texture, and social behavior. Along with all other dinosaurs (except for birds), they became extinct 65 million years ago.
This poster shows all the largest species. Some were close to 200 feet long - the length of four school buses. Also shown are some of the more unique species. Camarasaurus vertebrae were hollowed out or riddled with passages and cavities, which inspired its name, ?ǣChambered Lizard.?ǥ Mamenchisaurus had a 31-foot-long neck that comprised half of the body length of the animal. For size comparison, the neck of a giraffe is shown next to it in the same scale.